Print Collateral, Identity Systems and Infographics (oh my!)

    M3 Design and Print
    Converted 202-paged PDF into workable Excel Spreadsheet with active formulas and restructured 
    the layout of entire grid to be visually appealing and informative. Also, includes a mark-up calculator for
    easy estimates and service quotes.


    Infographic Design & Spreadsheet Formatting 
    'am i the only designer who loves spreadsheets? 


    Netfira Global B2B ERP Software Company Corporate Sales Brochure concept
    Rejuvenated company brochure for presentation at the SapphireNow 2011 conference and implemented
    Enhancements to the design, color and layout to distinguish company image and simplify content..
    Enriched company workflow diagrams into high quality renders.



        Brochure Concept Inside - 8.5x14 Design and Copy

     Brochure Concept Outside -  8.5x14 Design and Copy


    Identity Systems : Business Card Concepts


    Large Format Design and Copy : Poster Custom Sized 36" x 20"
    I flirted with the idea of using stock of people sweating and grinding it out at the gym. I questioned the logic behind the overuse of those images. So I toyed with the idea of bringing a different mood that can also be associated with  fitness but perhaps a bit  more inviting and 'result driven' as seen below.

    Vehicle Display Design : Client Osmosis Productions
    Displayed Vehicle Rendered and Manipulated in Adobe Photoshop


    Print Collateral : Conceptual Letterhead Set


    Print Collateral: Menu Concepts -  Edo Via Rio